Customizable Granola

Instructions and proportions for making endless variations of delicious homemade granola.

Customizable Granola

Cook Time 1 hr
Total Time 1 hr
Servings 1 (each preparation makes 8 cups)


Required ingredients by volume:

  • 5 cup rolled oats (6 cups if you're skipping nuts)
  • .5 tbsp vanilla extract
  • .25 cup oil (eg. vegetable oil, peanut oil, coconut oil)
  • .75 cup liquid sweet (eg. honey, agave, maple syrup, fruit jam)

Optional ingredients by volume:

  • 1 cup sticky (eg. peanut butter, banana, apple sauce, pumpkin puree, wet coconut flakes)
  • 1 cup small nut pieces (eg. walnut, pecan, almond, peanut, hazelnut)
  • 4 tsp extracts/spices (eg. almond extract, cinnamon, cocoa, pumpkin spice mix)
  • .75 cup dried fruit (eg. cherries, apricots, raisins, apple slices, dates)